1. 国家哲学社会科学文献中心
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2. PubScholar公益学术平台
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3. A 10-m national-scale map of ground-mounted photovoltaic power stations in China of 2020 2020年中国地面光伏电站10米国家比例尺图
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4. A 31-year (1990–2020) global gridded population dataset generated by cluster analysis and statistical learning 通过聚类分析和统计学习生成的31年(1990-2020年)全球网格化人口数据集
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5. A building height dataset across China in 2017 estimated by the spatially-informed approach 通过空间信息方法估算的2017年中国建筑物高度数据集
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6. A dataset of winter wheat aboveground biomass in China during 2007–2015 based on data assimilation 基于数据同化的2007-2015年中国冬小麦地上生物量数据集
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7. A global long-term daily reanalysis of reference evapotranspiration for drought and food-security monitoring 用于干旱和粮食安全监测的参考蒸散量全球长期每日再分析
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8. A global record of annual terrestrial Human Footprint dataset from 2000 to 2018 2000年至2018年全球陆地人类足迹年度记录数据集
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9. A gridded establishment dataset as a proxy for economic activity in China 作为中国经济活动代表的网格化机构数据集
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10. A spatial-temporal continuous dataset of the transpiration to evapotranspiration ratio in China from 1981–2015 1981-2015年中国蒸腾蒸散比率时空连续数据集
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11. China economy-wide material flow account database from 1990 to 2020 1990-2020年中国经济系统物质流核算数据库
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12. China's greenhouse gas emissions for cropping systems from 1978–2016 1978-2016年中国作物系统温室气体排放量(分省)
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13. China's Gridded Manufacturing Dataset 中国网格化制造业数据集
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14. City- and county-level spatio-temporal energy consumption and efficiency datasets for China from 1997 to 2017 1997-2017年中国市县级时空能源消费和效率数据集
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15. County-level CO2 emissions and sequestration in China during 1997–2017 1997-2017年中国县级二氧化碳排放与封存
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16. Fine-scale population spatialization data of China in 2018 based on real location-based big data 基于实际位置大数据的2018年中国精细尺度人口空间化数据
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17. Global 1 km × 1 km gridded revised real gross domestic product and electricity consumption during 1992–2019 based on calibrated nighttime light data 基于校准夜间灯光数据的1992-2019年全球1公里×1公里网格化修正的实际国内生产总值和电力消费
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18. Gridded global datasets for Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index over 1990–2015 1990-2015年国内生产总值和人类发展指数网格化全球数据集
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19. Gridded value-added of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in China under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 碎片社会经济路径下中国第一、二、三产业的网格化增加值
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20. Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power 风能和太阳能发电场位置和电力的统一全球数据集
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21. Mapping the spatial heterogeneity of global land use and land cover from 2020 to 2100 at a 1 km resolution 以1 km分辨率绘制的2020-2100年全球土地利用和土地覆被空间异质性图谱
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22. Mapping 20 years of irrigated croplands in China using MODIS and statistics and existing irrigation products 利用MODIS和统计数据及现有灌溉产品绘制中国20年灌溉农田地图
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23. Maps of cropping patterns in China during 2015–2021 2015-2021年中国种植模式地图
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24. Earthdata Search
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25. Earth Online
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26. NASA美国国家航空航天局
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27. OSGeo中国中心
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28. USGS美国地质调查局
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29. 地球大数据科学数据中心数据共享服务系统
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30. 国家地球系统科学数据中心(地理资源分中心)/中国科学院地球系统科学数据中心
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31. 国家海洋科学数据中心
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32. 国家青藏高原科学数据中心
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33. 国家自然资源和地理空间基础信息库
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34. 全国地理信息资源目录服务系统
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35. 中国资源卫星应用中心
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